Apple pie recipe with photos / Рецепт шарлотки с фотографиями

Apple pie "Charlotte" consists of: apples, eggs (3 pieces), sugar (1stakan), flour (1,5-2 glass), soda (0.5 tsp slaked vinegar).
Eggs, sugar, vinegar, soda and slaked beat with a mixer until smooth. Add flour. If desired, the dough can add a little sour cream. If you add sour cream, add the flour.
Apples finely cut, should receive at least two liters of apple segments. Apples to lay in a greased form and pour over dough.
Bake at 200 degrees. Pie "Charlotte, you can decorate with powdered sugar.
Recipe apple pie "Charlotte".

Charlotte / шарлотка

Яблочный пирог «Шарлотка» состоит из: яблок, яйца (3 штуки), сахар (1стакан), мука (1,5-2 стакана), сода (0,5 чайной ложки гашеной уксусом).
Яйца, сахар и гашеную уксусом соду взбить миксером до однородной массы. Добавить муку. При желании в тесто можно добавить немного сметаны. В случае добавления сметаны, добавляем и муку.
Яблоки мелко порезать, должно получиться не менее двух литров яблочных долек. Яблоки выложить в смазанную маслом форму и залить тесто.
Выпекать при температуре 200 градусов. Пирог «Шарлотка» можно украсить сахарной пудрой.
Кулинарный рецепт яблочного пирога «Шарлотка».

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Recipes Salads / Рецепты салатов

Recipes Salads
Mushroom recipes include a variety of salads. The first layer consists of chopped into pieces and fried mushrooms. Separately fry the onion in sunflower oil. Mushrooms and onions pass through a meat grinder. Put in salad bowl. The second layer, sliced onion rings, fluff mayonnaise. The third layer of chopped ham or cooked sausage. The fourth layer of apple gall on a coarse grater. The fifth layer of the grated boiled eggs. Cover with mayonnaise. The sixth layer, grated hard cheese. Salad can be decorated with parsley.
Recipe mushroom salad.

Грибные рецепты включают множество салатов. Первый слой состоит из порезанных на кусочки и обжаренных грибов. Лук отдельно обжарить в подсолнечном масле. Грибы и лук пропустить через мясорубку. Выложить в салатник. Второй слой, нарезанный кольцами лук, промазать майонезом. Третий слой мелко нарезанная ветчина или вареная колбаса. Четвертый слой яблоко, натертое на крупной терке. Пятый слой натертые на терке вареные яйца. Покрыть майонезом. Шестой слой, натертый на терке твердый сыр. Салат можно украсить зеленью петрушки.
Кулинарный рецепт грибного салата.

Partners blog

Recipe for cooking chicken breasts

You will need: vegetable oil (4 tablespoons), thyme (2 tablespoons), salt (to taste), pepper (to taste), fillet (400 grams), juice of 1 lemon, egg (1 piece), almonds, finely chopped (75 g), flour (4 tablespoons).
Heat oven to 200 degrees. Potatoes washed and cut into two parts. Planes cut grease with vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and caraway seeds. Put on baking sheet cut planes up, bake in oven for 40 minutes.
Chicken fillet with cold water, wipe dry, sprinkle with spices. Dip one by one in the lemon juice, flour, beaten egg and chopped almonds. Fry on both sides.
Serve chicken breast with roasted potatoes.
Recipe chicken breasts.

Partner blog

Recipe for cooking chicken cutlets with photos

cooking chicken cutlets with photos

You will need: chicken breast (1 piece), egg (1 piece), starch (1 tablespoon), salt (to taste), vegetable oil for frying.
Chicken breast separated from the skin and bones, cut into small pieces and put in a bowl. Sprinkled with the starch, stir, stir. Add 1yaytso, salt to taste, mix well. In a heated pan, add vegetable oil. Put the tablespoon of minced meat, forming small chops. Roasting for several minutes on both sides. Chicken served slightly ostyvshimi.
Recipe chicken cutlets.



Sushi - a very common dish in the whole of Asia, and recently this dish is very popular all over the world. There are plenty of recipes for preparing sushi. There is sushi wrapped in seaweed, stuffed with sushi, sushi rice outside, alluvial land, traditional sushi, and many other varieties of this dish.

Ingredients for 24 servings:
-sumesi (1 serving);
-nori (3 leaf);
Vinegar for soaking hands:
-su (Japanese rice vinegar, four art. tablespoons)
-water (250 ml);
-Large shrimp (12 pieces);
-egg (4 pieces);
-sugar (4 table. tablespoons);
, spinach (250 gr.)
-3,5 Tablespoon shoyu (Japanese soy sauce)
-KANPA, dried pumpkin, (20 g), we can replace the carrot, cut into fine strips;
-shiitake (5-6 pieces);
-mirin, Japanese plum wine or sweet sherry (4 table. tablespoons);
and salt;
-pickled ginger;
-soy sauce.

Usually Futomaki consists of five components of different colors, wrapped in nori BAT. This is a very nice dish, but there are few of them difficult.
Each shrimp poke a wooden stick or rod for cocktails along the back. Boil in salted boiling water for 3 minutes, until they become pink hue. Dip in cold water, remove the sticks, remove shells and remove the dark thread inside.
Make an omelet from eggs, two art. l. sugar and salt on the tip of a knife. Let cool and cut into strips of 1 cm
Spinach for a moment put them into the salted boiling water, then into cold water. Writing a dry, pour two teaspoons of soy sauce.
KANPA rub salt mixed with water, soak for 10 minutes, remove and cut slices 20 cm in length.

Dried mushrooms (shiitake), pour warm water for half an hour, then pour water, remove the mushrooms and cut into 5-centimeter strips. 250 ml of mushroom extracts to pour into a small pan, pour 3 tablespoons there. tablespoons soy sauce, mirin (or sherry), and 2 tbsp. l. sugar. Boil, add mushrooms and KANPA (carrot). Leave a boil over medium heat for a quarter of an hour, allow to cool, not merging broth.

Place sheet of nori on a bamboo mat, spread it on a handful of rice, leaving a free edge of 3 cm
Shrimps bring in the center of rice, lay out the top layer of omelette and spinach. Then, a carrot or KANPA, the last to lay shiitake.
To form a roll, put it on a dish seam down.

Likewise, make 2 more roll.
Every cut into 8 parts, Serve with soy sauce and ginger.

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